geographical settlement which provides topographical context when searching for or presenting travel information, for example as the origin or destination of a trip
NOTE 1 to entry It may be of any size (e.g. County, City, Town, Village) and of different specificity, e.g. Greater London, London, West End, Westminster, St James’s.
NOTE 2 to entry A TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACE may be associated with a PLACE (including a STOP PLACE), but not all PLACEs are TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACEs. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACEs may be organised through hierarchical containment and disjoint adjacency relationships.
NOTE 3 to entry A TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACE should always have a canonical gazetteer name. It may be necessary to use the hierarchical topographical relationships of the TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACE to establish a unique context with which to distinguish between two TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACEs with the same name.